Technology Design Consulting
Maximize your project's potential with comprehensive technology design.

Leading Your Project From Concept to Completion
Navigating through a project's design phase can be complicated, especially when integrating sophisticated technology. However, with a partner that brings over 60 years of expertise, your project will transition smoothly from concept to completion. Technology design consultants provide a modern approach to audio, video, control, security, acoustics and IT that will ensure your systems achieve world-class standards and success.
Key Takeaways
Widen your understanding of ideation, consultation and delivery of pioneering technology system design.
Explore Electrosonic's menu of services, from Technology Master Planning™ to owner representation and more.
Discover projects that have impacted the way AV, ICT, SSA and ACO disciplines are regarded in design planning.
Learn the advantage of having award-winning design consultants on your project team.